Home Business The Dos and Don’ts During Virtual Meeting

The Dos and Don’ts During Virtual Meeting


In today’s world of social distancing, face-to-face interaction is being limited in order to contain the spread of Coronavirus. Thus, virtual meeting all over the world is increasing drastically. However, not all people were used to conduct discussion of essential matter online. So, here’s a quick guide about the things you should and don’t do during online meetings.

  1. Be prepared

Despite your distance from your co-worker, conducting online meetings entails a lot of essential things to ensure effective communication and collaboration.

Here are things you need to prepare before going on a virtual meeting:

a. Apart from the meeting details such as the time and date of the online discussion, know the agenda.

For the organizer, make sure to clearly state the agenda of the meeting so that attendees can prepare their queries for discussion. It is recommended to give a heads up to key persons who have responsibilities for the meeting.

For the attendees, make sure that you have seen the materials that were sent by the organizer so that you can maximize your time through covering all the essential things during the discussion.

b.Prepare the device that you will be using during the online meeting. It is ideal to use a laptop while having a video meeting so that it will be steady and at the time, it frees your hand to take down notes properly.

Before starting the meeting, do a test with your device to make sure that your camera, mic, and headphones are working properly.

c. Ensure that you are in an ideal place for a virtual meeting. Make sure that you are in a quiet and well-lit room. No distraction from family members and pets. Plus, choose a background that is appealing to your audience. Even thou Microsoft teams and Zoom obtain a feature that can change your background, it is ideal to choose a neutral background.

d. Even though you are at home, it is important that you look formal during your meetings. Wear something presentable and make sure that you look tidy in front of the camera.

2. Always be on time

Regardless of you are the attendee or the organizer, always respect other’s time. Like a face-to-face meeting, going online 5 minutes before the meeting is much appreciated.

3. Be professional

Keep in mind that even you are at the comfort of your home, make sure that you are engaging while you are having the virtual meeting. Do not multitask, use your phone, and even check your mails.

Like face-to-face interaction, it is an unwritten rule to be professional while having virtual meetings. Do not stay on your bed or even eat. Sit-up straight and participate well during the meeting. Plus, if you are not speaking, mute your device so that the person who is talking can be heard clearly by everyone.

Before starting the meeting, introduce to everyone who is involved in the meeting. Make sure to explain why they are involved and their roles and responsibilities.

4. Keep everyone engaged

Even though you need to be professional while having an online meeting, it is important to keep everyone engaged.

Try to have a quick catch-up with one another by asking how they are doing before ending the meeting.

Source: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/353419


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